Sunday, March 4, 2012

Angel Wings

I chose this picture because it is conveying such a powerful message - that love can overcome hate. It was such a beautiful idea and symbol for these protestors to cover up other, hateful protesters at the trial. They are standing there silently while the protestors behind them are angrily yelling, again just showing that hateful people are angry people, and always will be until they learn to accept all people, no matter what their sexual orientation. This image is so powerful and really sums up all of the feelings surrounding the Matthew Shepard trial - those of hate and love, anger and healing - the list goes on and on. There will always be disagreements concerning gay rights, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the way to do it is not by using hateful words and protesting in inapropriate places. One must gain respect for themselves in order for their cause to be respected too.

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