Thursday, January 26, 2012


- Defition of "culture": The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization, or group.
- My definition of "culture": Culture to me is a certain group of people's shared language, religion, tradition, and beliefs. Generally, I would say you are a part of the same culture as someone if you have many similarities to them. Of course, you can be part of many cultures that all overlap. Say, my friend and I are part of the same American culture because we eat fast food, arevery into out technologies, and speak english. However we can also be part of separate cultures that make us different as well. I am a part of Jewish culture, while she is a part of Persian culture. I almost think of culture as being a bunch of Venn Diagrams, overlapping to create unique people that are part of many different cultures.

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