Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mass Culture

- Defintion of "mass culture": Mass culture is the set of ideas and values that develop from a common exposure to the same media, news sources, music, and art. Mass culture is broadcast or otherwise distributed to individuals instead of arising from their day-to-day interactions with each other. Thus, mass culture generally lacks the unique content of local communities and regional cultures.
- Definition of "mass culture": From what I can understand, mass culture is similar to pop culture, in that it's what the masses are into currently. However, unlike pop culture which is comprised of people's favorite entertainment like movies and music and such, mass culture is more like the every day things that people involve themselves with. They're fads. Examples are the obsession with theme parks, tv dinners, rubix cubes, and big 80's hair. Some may call these things superficial, but they seem to be popular with the masses!

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